Associated Students of Folsom Lake College

Associated Students of Folsom Lake College

The Associated Students of Folsom Lake College (ASFLC) is committed to having our students’ voices heard on campus. We also work to create a unique and inviting college atmosphere by facilitating opportunities for students to socialize, hear local bands, join clubs, volunteer, and much more.

ASFLC represents the interests and welfare of students through its elected officials and representatives. Additionally, ASFLC has as its purposes, the encouragement of student participation in college affairs and the promotion of understanding among students, faculty, and administration. The student forum advises college administration on student issues, recommends students to serve on student-faculty committees, and administers programs and services consistent with the privileges granted in its constitution.

For issues concerning legislation and advocacy, contact our Student Senate at: any issues or thoughts you may have concerning Folsom Lake College or any ideas for future events. We look forward to working with students, faculty, and administrators in our continued efforts.
