Douglas L. Stinson

Douglas L. Stinson

The MET Endowment Fund was started by Douglas L. Stinson, an instructor who taught for 35 years in the Mechanical-Electrical Technology Department (MET) at Sacramento City College. Donations came from employers who had hired former MET graduates and from students who had completed the MET program and were currently working in fields related to their course of study. Solicitation of funds began in 1973 with a goal of $100,000. Fundraising continued until the goal was reached in 1990. Originally named the “MET Trust Fund,” the fund was renamed the “MET Endowment Fund” upon reaching the $100,000 goal.

The generosity of the donors is due primarily to the confidence they have in the MET program and their satisfaction with the quality of the graduates who have received their training through the MET program.

Special recognition for the high status currently enjoyed by the MET program must be given to Richard E. Stockwell, who started the MET program at Sacramento City College. Many of the students who had Dick Stockwell as their instructor are now owners of businesses, managers of companies, supervisors, instructors, contractors and key figures in the mechanical-electrical trades. Several of his former students later became instructors in the Technology Division at Sacramento City College. Doug Stinson was among those former students who returned to teach MET classes. Hired in 1969, Doug remained to help carry on the MET tradition for the next 35 years.

It is the wish of all concerned that MET faculty will always emulate the tradition of excellence set by Richard E. Stockwell, and will continue to provide high-quality, well-trained graduates needed to fill the many technical jobs emerging in the mechanical and electrical areas.

A great deal of the credit for being able to solicit donations to build the MET Endowment Fund is due to the recognized excellence of the MET program, founded by Richard E. Stockwell, and the outstanding performance of the graduates who have completed the program.


The MET Endowment Fund supports four scholarship awards in the MET Program:

Douglas L. Stinson MET I
Douglas L. Stinson MET II
Richard E. Stockwell MET I
Richard E. Stockwell MET II
