Leslie Carroll

Leslie Carroll

Leslie Carroll offers two scholarships at Sacramento City College: The SCC Dionysia V. Carroll Nursing Scholarship and SCC Robert Todd Carroll Memorial Scholarship.

The Robert Todd Carroll Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of Robert Todd Carroll. Professor Carroll taught Philosophy, Logic, and Critical Thinking at Sacramento City College for thirty years (1977-2007). He was a longtime advocate of skepticism and critical thinking and Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, a small group that includes Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan.

Professor Carroll wrote Becoming a Critical Thinker, a textbook for introductory logic and critical thinking which was born out of his work with SCC students, who were a great source of inspiration to him. He was best known for his book and website, The Skeptic’s Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions (www.skepdic.com) which is translated into multiple languages.

The Robert Todd Carroll Memorial Scholarship is intended to support a student pursuing studies in the fields of philosophy, science, or the humanities.
