Marsha McHugh

Marsha McHugh

Donald was an educator teaching Organic Chemistry at Sacramento City College for 25 years. Courses needed for pre-med, pre-nursing, often claiming he like to keep uncaring and unethical students out of medicine. With his sharp mind he would remember those who had gotten through the cracks and requested a “Letter of Recommendation”, he would ignore such a request. If he remembered the student as a caring individual, he would write the “most glowing recommendation” imaginable.

Donald retired in 1993, and upon retirement he made friends with Robert Jarzen, Director of the Sacramento Crime Lab. Donald would lead tours of the lab to Sheriff and Police departments throughout California. This adventure lasted about 10 years.

Lastly, he volunteered at “Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary” where he would enjoy the company of adoptable pets and made friends with community volunteers. Donald passed away in 2015, but through the scholarships his legacy lives on.

Submitted by his wife of 30 years – Marsha McHugh.
