SCC Classified Senate

SCC Classified Senate

The SCC Classified Senate is offering the 2021 award in memory of two Classified Professional employees, Ruben Ruiz and Craig Hart.

This Pandemic has been difficult for everyone. Two of our dear Classified Professionals lost their lives during our remote learning, Ruben Ruiz and Craig Hart. Ruben has been a champion of students since he started at SCC in 1993. Whether in his first role at SCC in Admissions and Records, to his most recent role in Financial Aid. Craig started as a student at SCC and moved up through many offices. Everywhere he went, he empathized with the students and befriended them. He was an active member of the SCC Classified community as well, serving in the Senate and advocating for community building at SCC. We wish to dedicate this year’s Classified Student Scholarship to these two compassionate men who were fixtures of SCC. They would have wanted to help our students going through such difficult circumstances.
