Stephen and Kristin Gunn
Stephen and Kristin Gunn have three scholarships at Los Rios: the Earl E. Brabb Memorial Geology Scholarship, Libraries Change Lives Scholarship and the El Dorado Center Scholarship. Kristin Gunn is a former SCC Librarian, and both are generous supporters of community college education.
The Earl E. Brabb Geology Memorial Scholarship was created in Kristin’s father’s remembrance. Earl E. Brabb, PhD. was a well-known and highly respected geologist. Dr. Brabb spent his entire 40-year career with the U.S. Geological Survey carrying out a variety of scientific investigations dealing with natural hazards across a number of disciplines including: landslide studies in the San Francisco Bay region, California, New Mexico and Central Italy; regional geological mapping and interpretation of geophysical data in complex geologic terrains in Alaska, California and New Mexico; evaluation of oil shale and petroleum potential in eastern Alaska; evaluation of ground water potential in San Francisco Bay region using geophysical methods; Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleontology and stratigraphy; development of earthquake and landslide hazard maps using Geographic Information Systems; and mapping of San Andreas and Hayward fault systems in central California. Dr. Brabb authored or co-authored more than 170 papers, reports and maps. His family wishes to honor his career by helping a student interested in the earth sciences to continue on their path of learning.