Los Rios Student Emergency Fund

Before you apply, you MUST first apply for the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Emergency Grant. It provides $500 grants to students who have urgent needs related to the pandemic and it has a much simpler application. Only those who have been declined may apply for this fund. If you do not submit an application for the CARES Emergency Grant, your application will not be reviewed and will be returned to draft. You can find the CARES Emergency Grant Application here and it will only take two minutes of your time:

CARES Emergency Fund: https://losrios.academicworks.com/opportunities/3426

Students who apply and are eligible for CARES funds will be referred to the CARES application. However, if you find that you are not eligible for the CARES Emergency Fund, you may still apply here.

The Los Rios Student Emergency Fund provides immediate financial assistance to Los Rios students involved in sudden and unexpected catastrophic or emergency situations. There are a variety of resources available to students in emergency situations. Please start by contacting Financial Aid or Student Services for more information on the types of services that may be available to you.

There are many forms of help for people experiencing hardships because of the COVID-19 shutdown. Before applying, please see if you can find additional help from any of the following:

Student Basic Needs Resources: https://losrios.edu/campus-life/remote-campus-information-for-students/basic-needs-resources

  • For Computers: If you have not already received a Los Rios-issued device such as a Chromebook, and you are not able to afford to purchase one due to extenuating financial circumstances, you can apply to the Los Rios Student Emergency Fund and please state that you are in need of a computer in addition to the rest of the application.
  • For low or no cost internet access or Office Software: https://losrios.edu/campus-life/remote-campus-information-for-students/technology-for-remote-classes

If you need help with utilities:

  • PGE: www.pge.com/en_US/residential/save-energy-money/help-paying-your-bill/longer-term-assistance/care/care.page
  • SMUD: https://www.smud.org/en/Corporate/About-us/News-and-Media/Coronavirus-COVID-19

Eligibility Requirements
• Must have a temporary need resulting from a sudden, unexpected emergency event and must be able to provide sufficient documentation indicating that the situation meets this requirement.
• Must be in “Good Standing” and must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher. Must not be on academic probation of any kind.
• Must be currently enrolled in at least 6 units at a Los Rios college AND have completed at least one semester with a minimum of 6 units.
• Must not have more than 60 units without an explanation for the excess of units.
• Other possible resources (such as insurance, financial aid or funding from other service organizations) must have been considered and have been found to be unavailable or insufficient. Must show evidence or address in questions, if applicable.
• Must first apply for CARES emergency fund and have been declined
• *A maximum of one award of up to $500 will be allowed to any one student during all combined enrollments at Los Rios colleges. *
• A plan should be included in application that demonstrates that the student will be able to move successfully forward following an award.
• Exceptions to these guidelines are rare and will be considered on a case by case basis.
• If your emergency is that you have been laid off because of COVID-19, you must show proof that you have been denied unemployment or are ineligible to receive it.

Typical emergency-situation expenses that may be covered include but are not limited to:
• Safety related needs (i.e. changing a lock on a vehicle or home, relocating).
• Replacement of essential personal belongings due to fire, natural disaster or theft (not covered by insurance or other agency).
• Costs related to medical care (not covered by insurance or other agency).

Types of Expenses not Covered
• Everyday expenses that are ongoing and not the result of an emergency
• Non-essential bills, entertainment, recreation, non-emergency travel or other non-essential expenses.
• Household items, personal belongings or furniture costs (unless essential to safety as stated above)
• Debts incurred before or unrelated to the emergency
• Fines or restitution owed from criminal or civil court cases
• Child support
• Penalties and interest on past due bills.
• Travel costs. We would normally help with travel-related to sudden death or illness in the immediate family, but given the current danger posed by travel and the restrictions in place, we are not currently funding any travel expenses.

Need help with this application? Send your questions to losriosemergencyfund@losrios.edu

American River College, Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College, Sacramento City College